Following in the footsteps of the World DanceSport Federation’s “Vision 2012” and “2020 VISION”, the International Federation of Cheerleading assembled a working group which met in Singapore on the 2-3 August 2015 under the theme “IFC Vision 2020 Strategic Meeting”.
The recommendations from the two days of broad-based discussions are expected to lay the foundation for the further development of IFC in a number of key areas including organisational structure, membership, integration with WDSF, education and competitions.
The IFC Senior Vice President, Robert Huber, who chaired the meeting, stated that
“The IFC Vision 2020 Strategic Meeting presented IFC with a unique opportunity to build on the momentum generated by WDSF’s Vision 2012 and 2020 VISION and to make recommendations that are designed to have a positive impact on a wide range of stakeholders”.
The recommendations will be presented to the IFC Executive Board for approval in the near future.